
CTEAM SS20 concept - #Sisyphus.

DYCTEAM AW19 concept – Sisyphus.
Model_ Omar 張文怡 Lowen Studio
Photographer_ JYUN CHANG
Make Up_ Ruby
Visual Design_ Yuu Chen
The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart.Sisyphus immersed. Define Your Character - that is DYCTEAM.

This is a fable in Greek mythology. Sisyphus was once the king of the mortal world. He was punished by the gods for making mistakes. He was asked to push a huge stone to climb the steep slope. However, the stone would be back to the foot of the mountain the next day. This punishment is to repeat the same task until eternal. As in daily life and work, the current feeling is to repeat the same affairs and worldly planned life, which means the cycle of burnout often comes forward.

From an early age, the expectations given by the family, the pressure of life reality, and self-expectations, it is forced to make efforts to go forward. Therefore, it is normal to feel tired. “What is success? ” Each person's definition is different, but at each stage, after exhausting efforts, we surely can feel the success when we look back.The rewards are actually in the process of growing up, depending on how you define yourself.

Albert Camus interprets in his book "L'Étranger". Sisyphus repeatedly pushes the stone up the mountain every day. Maybe he has already understood that it makes sense. "Efforts that are constantly struggling to go up the mountain so that can enrich people's hearts." We can tell that Sisyphus is satisfied in the heart.

ギリシャ神話であり、シーシュポスはかつて人間の王でした。ミスを犯したことで神に罰せられました。毎日、急な坂に巨大な石を押すようにされましたが、翌日に石が元の位置に戻ります。 この罰は永遠に繰り返すことになります。 日常生活や仕事のように、同じな物事をすることによって、無気力な時期によく襲われることがあります。


アルベール・カミュは「L’Étranger」という書籍の中で次のように解釈します。シーシュポスは毎日石を繰り返し、山に押しあげることが有意義だと理解をしているでしょう。「引き続き、押しあげると努力をすることにつれ、人々の心を豊かにする」 それで、シーシュポスが心的な満足を達していると推測することができます。

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