
DYCTEAM榮獲 '' 2021金點設計獎 '' 肯定

DYCTEAM注重將永續思維帶入設計,在面料取材上多次採用回收寶特瓶、回收纖維、有機棉等友善環境的材質。今年春夏系列更採用台灣盛產的牡蠣殼為主原料,結合回收PET寶特瓶織成「回收牡蠣紗」,永續材質與俐落時尚的設計,也讓DYCTEAM以牡蠣紗系列獲得 #2021金點設計獎肯定。​

The DYCTEAM-BASIC-seawool series applies Taiwan’s famous oyster shell as the main raw material, and is organized into special specifications to adapt to Taiwan’s humid and rainy climate. It is the best model of a circular economy in both fashion and function.

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